Perfect seat Solution suitable for pregnant women, hemorrhoids patients post
episiotomy patients ,and provide relief for patients suffering from post-partum discomfort or pain, and other pain, itching and discomfort from other conditions in the anal and genital areas.The GENITAL and ANAL regions can be very hard to keep clean and free from infections especially after to giving birth or after Surgery or when Elderly or Infirmed. People want Relief, they want to SOOTHE and HEAL and bounce back to good health as quick as possible. A sitz bath seat gives you that option, itsconvenient and a portable solution that can be used as often as needed throughout the day. Suitable for pregnant women, hemorrhoids patients post-episiotomy patients and other people who couldnot squat.

* Reduce period pain significantly.
* Address pre and post-menstrual spotting.
* Regulate irregular or absent menstrual cycles.
* Improve fertility.
* Increase circulation and blood flow.
* Speed healing and tone the reproductive system after childbirth.
* Cleanse the uterine lining of old blood.
* Treat uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse & endometriosis.
* Improve period bleeding that is brown or black in colour.
* Assist with the repair of a vaginal tear, episiotomy and hemorrhoids.
* Treat chronic vaginal/yeast infections, and work to maintain healthy vaginal flora.
* Relieve symptoms of menopause including hot flashes and vaginal dryness.
Product Name
Wood yoni steam seat
Vaginal nursing

2take steam bath machine out, and open the lid of machine
3check the machine and its wire
4fill water into it(inner tank)but not beyond the highest water level
5place lid correctly and turn it strongly to fasten the machine
6connect long rubber tube to the vent of machine
7connect rubber cushion to the wall of tub and fasten metal accessories of vent
10connect short rubber tube to the Chinese-medicinal herb kit, put medicine bag in it or in the inner tank of steam bath machine
11fasten the head of kit and start the machine
12This machine is 1000W, please be notice to adjust temperature